I really do hate grocery shopping. Is that weird? I dread it. Every time I start seeing us getting low on an essential item; like milk I start getting anxious.
Here are some reasons I thought of that may have to do with my hate for grocery shopping:
- Having to take my two sons with me who will most likely be throwing a tantrum at any moment.
- Having to search for a cart that has the little car on front so that I don't have to pile food on top of Brigham as he sits in the back.
- Having to walk by all the yummy food and forcing myself to say no.
- Giving in to the yummy food and then having to explain to Cameron why I bought those dang sugar cookies with an inch of frosting on the top.
- Eating the sugar cookies and watching that inch of frosting go right on the side of my thighs.
- Wanting to buy the good brand because sometimes it really does taste better than the store brand but not being able to justify spending more, even if it is only 3 cents (exception on this is ice cream...it's not worth buying unless its the good stuff, right Darci?)
- Knowing that with all that I am buying I will have nothing to make dinner with.
- Going through the checkout feeling guilty because the guy behind me with two items doesn't know I'm about to split my food up into three different orders (Family food, WIC, and YW stuff)
- Bringing the cart back even though I really don't want to.
- Bringing the groceries in and putting them away.
- Getting home and realizing all the things I forgot, despite my list.